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Our Story


"labàdienà" in lithuanian is a polite way to say hello, more like - good day!

labàdienà is an initiative which promotes nature friendly environment as well as pleasant and effortless communication. Expressing our ideas through our products we seek to involve individuals with common attitude towards the positive movement.

Spreading the word

It all started from one positive word. We've made some stickers and posters just with word labadiena and spread them around Vilnius old town. In the beginning our main goal was to lift up peoples positivity and remind them that one simple word can be enough to make someone smile.

Our Mission

Our main goal is to spread positivity. We're trying to think and act broader over time. In some cases goals and ideas have to grow and adapt to different fields of interest. It is always fun to step out from your comfort zone and discover new stuff outside the box, it encourages us to create something more than clothing.

Fast forward to today

Our main goal is to spread positivity. We're trying to think and act broader over time. In some cases goals and ideas have to grow and adapt to different fields of interest. It is always fun to step out from your comfort zone and discover new stuff outside the box, it encourages us to create something more than clothing.